• Blog,  WIP Wednesday

    My Favorite Character I’ve Ever Written

    This post is part of the brand new WIP Wednesday Link-up For Writers. The theme this week is “My Favorite Character I’ve Ever Written.” Join the link-up and show off your current projects! 

    My Favorite Character I’ve Ever Written

    Confession: You know when people debate whether an author is a character-driven or plot-driven writer? I’m definitely character driven. I have a nasty habit of accumulating stockpiles of characters that I love to bits and then finding myself utterly incapable of thinking up a story to put any of them in.

    My writing process is basically:

    1. think up character
    2. profess undying love and adoration for said character
    3. mentally catalogue every conceivable detail about the character, including strengths and weaknesses
    4. figure out how to ruthlessly exploit those weaknesses within a story (example: this girl has fear of loneliness? HOW CAN I ISOLATE HER FROM EVERYONE SHE LOVES??)
    5. begrudgingly brainstorm how I might use the character’s strengths in moments of triumph, because I guess they have to win sometimes. 
    6. retroactively find a way to thread all these pieces into a coherent plot